• uk


July 08, 2020

9:00 – REGISTRATION OPENING. WELCOME COFFEE. Getting to know each other, taking pictures

10:00 Opening Ceremony of GMWC-2020
Greetings from the Expert International Board of Massage Therapists, Spa & Wellness Specialists
Grand Opening of New Massage and Wellness Projects in Ukraine

10:35 Ukrainian Ayurveda-Yoga Association. Modern Ayurvedic Spa and Wellness Programs. Contemporary Nutrition and Ayurveda Program. Ayurvedic Spa and Wellness Master Class from an Ayurvedic Expert (India)

11:30 – “Trends and standards for the development of professional aromatherapy in the wellness & medical industry, the secrets of creating Wellness-compositions as a separate menu of services and for massage and Wellness programs”.
Speaker: Natalia Chernova (Ukraine), Doctor of Recreational and Functional Wellness Medicine. Founder and leader of a group of health companies. Founder of Aroma Era Wellness clinic and founder and lead teacher at Aroma.Institute. Author of training programs for specialists, methodological materials, formulations, technologies.

12:15 – «Rules for International Certification of Massage Therapists and Wellness Therapists. Need, benefits, standards”.
Speaker: Antonio Ruggio (Switzerland), Director of the ODM International Board of Massage Therapists and Spa Therapists. Author of the first federal examinations for medical massage therapists in Switzerland. Founder of the First School for Massage Therapists, Medical Massage Therapists in the Canton of Ticino, with recognition of the program by the Swiss Red Cross. He is responsible for consulting services, recognition of academic and theoretical hours, organization of internships and procedures for obtaining equivalent educational qualifications in massage in Switzerland. He holds a state-level adult trainer diploma for accreditation of FA1 and FFA2, obtained from the Swiss Institute of Pedagogy. Qualified and certified Massage Expert.

13:00 – lunch break

13:55 – prize draw on the terms of the action from the International Institute of Medical Massage and Wellness Business and International SPA Academy

14: 00– Dello Buono Technique. Aesthetic physiotherapy. Functional modeling and face lifting, functional evaluation of facial structures, advanced manual techniques. facial procedures, description and demonstration.                                                                Speaker: Giuseppe Dello Buono (Switzerland / Italy) Physiotherapist certified by the Swiss Red Cross. Kinesiology, shiatsu therapist, reflexology therapist, posturology technician, naturopath, rehabilitation therapist, instructor of dry acupuncture and invasive physiotherapy of myofascial trigger points.

15:00 – Freestyle Massage – New Wellness Massage Model. Master class.                                                                                              Speaker: Simone Tunney (UK) Owner of Olympians Lounge, UK
Principal Lecturer at the Global Massage Academy, 2018 World Championship Massage Winner (Silver Medal for Sports Massage), Judge at the 2019 Copenhagen Massage Championship. Judge at the 2019 and 2020 Massage Championships, Judge at the 2019 Massage Championship of Greece. Judge at Romania’s 2019 National and International Championships in Massage. Tutor for international massage

16:15 – coffee break

16:40 – 18:30 Business Seminar «Modern Methods of Building, Development and Management in Massage, Wellness & SPA Business. Creating your own brand of salon, wellness training center and massage business – turnkey stages. Modern development of the training center. Effective “chips” and lifehacks to promote massage studios and training centers. “

Business seminar speakers:

Julien Ellis (Paris, France) – founder of the Facebook channel Massage World, President of the New Massage Association, organizer of the European Massage Championship -2020, which will be held April 11-14, 2020 in Nice, France. Leader of the European team dealing with all aspects of organization, customer support, rules, communication and sales strategies, branding, international alliances and implementation of digital technologies in the massage business. www.NewmassageAssociation.com. As a digital specialist, he is also the founder of ..3 Media Agency for Wellness Professionals – www.dotdot3.

Tamila Rzaieva (Ukraine) – Chairman of the Union of SPA Professionals, Resorts and Wellness Facilities in Ukraine. Head of Global Event SPA Organizing Committee in Ukraine. Founder and teacher of International SPA-Academy, author of Event SPA projects in Ukraine since 2007, co-author and developer of industry-standard SPA & Wellness standards, author of SPA-nutrition concept in Ukraine, repeated speaker and participant of Balkan SPA Summit, organizer of International SPA Assembly, and Ukrainian SPA & Wellness Professional Awards, Ukrainian SPA Summit, organizer and jury member of the National SPA & Wellness Administrators Competition, author of articles and materials in such publications as ProHotelia, Cosmetologist, SPA SPAce, Business, Kosmetics International, Youth Secrets, Wellness, Cabaret – Chic and others. She is the author and founder of the Development Program for SPA Managers, the International SPA Ambassador Program. SPA expert and consultant with experience in 2006 in the SPA business and in the Beauty business since 1998. Author and teacher of the Conference Service: all tips & tricks courses and the Event Service course for SPA, Wellness Suppliers, Beauty & Hotel », MBA course for SPA-managers, author’s course” Art for sale in Beauty, SPA & Wellness and Resort “. Founder and speaker of the Business Club for SPA, Beauty & Wellness executives and professionals. Author, developer and speaker of Guru Professional Career Program, Head of International SPA & Wellness Consulting Group, Founder and Head of International Institute of Medical Massage, SPA & Wellness Business. Founder and organizer of Grand Massage & Wellness Congress.

Yana Kovalchuk (Ukraine) Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Union of SPA Professionals, Resorts and Wellness Facilities in Ukraine. President of the Union’s official representation in the Western Region of Ukraine. Marketolog, Lecturer at the International SPA Academy, Editor-in-Chief of the SPAce Industry Edition, Head of the Culinary SPA-Academy, has many years of experience in hotel and restaurant business, experience promoting and selling services, winner of the Shark Sales Award. Co-author and teacher of Conference Service: All Tips & Tricks and Event Service for SPA, Wellness, Beauty & Hotel Suppliers, MBA Course for SPA Managers, co-author and teacher of Beauty Sales, SPA & Wellness and Resort Industries “. Co-founder and speaker of the Business Club for SPA, Beauty & Wellness executives and professionals. Guru Professional Career Speaker, Managing Partner of International SPA & Wellness Consulting Group, Founder and CEO of SWR Media Production, Co-founder and organizer of Grand Massage & Wellness Congress.

19:00 Project “PERSONA Wellness & Massage inustry”


20:00 – BBQ Party “Lviv Evening for Friends” for all participants / EXPERT COUNCIL AND CONGRESS PARTNERS ‘DINNER

July 09, 2020

9:30 – Greeting coffee, drawing prizes from Congress partners.

10:00 am – “Bamboo and Maderotherapy Massage for body and face” – report and demonstration                                                    Speaker: Lavinia Condoras (Lavinia Kahuna), Constanцаa / Romania.
Participant in the 2019 European Massage Championships in Spilambero and the 2019 National Massage Championship of Romania, where he received the title of “Romania’s Best Table”. In Romania, it is called the “bamboo queen” – for developing unique massage techniques and accessories for bamboo massage. Studied at Hurrem Sultan Hammam AyaSofia (Istanbul), owner and master of Hurrem Sultan Massage and SPA in Romania. Participant in the International Massage Championship -2020 in Nice. Teacher of Bamboo and Maderotherapy Massage for body and face at Anna Baroni School / Italy.

11:00 – «Complex myofascial treatment of motor dysfunctions and postoperative scars in aesthetic, physiotherapy and rehabilitation medicine».                                                                                                                                                                                                  Speaker: Professor Rosario Bellio (Italy), Physiotherapist – Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo and Bari. President of the Italian Association of Tapping and Kinesiology®.
He organizes training courses in kinesiological practice for large groups of massage therapists in many Italian regions. Teaching experience – over 40 years. It is part of a multidisciplinary group of research and development of rehabilitation with medical elastic bandage. Professor of taping and kinesiology at the Federico II University of Naples. Master of Clinical Posturology, Professor of Kinesiology at Palermo State University. Master of Clinical Posturology and Biomechanics, Professor of Kinesiology at Milan State University. Member of the Advisory Board for the 2015 Italian Journal of Sport Rehabilitation and Posturology. He holds the International Certificate of Professor of Physical Blockade, obtained in Cologne (Germany), October 2016. Leading Master in Kinesiology and Tapping, in collaboration with Professor Lee of the University of Seoul (Korea), since May 2019.

11:40 – «Progressive and innovative methods of Wellness-nutrition. Leading Research and Methods to Support Massage and Wellness Programs»                                                                                                                                                                                  Speaker: Dr. Gerlando David Schembri (Italy) Medical Director, Clinical Nutritionist Nutritional Expert Doctor in pathological conditions. Expert on cancer and sports integration in nutrition.
Medical Director of Nutrition U.O.C. Complex Oncological Surgery Department Senigallia AN
Nutritionist at the National Association of Women ANDOS.
Medical Manager in Europe, Orientation for Women for the Prevention and Treatment of Breast Cancer.
ISDE Physician is a member of the International Society of Environmental Physicians. Medical Association for the Protection of the Environment, Italy. Physician to the Commission on Health and the Environment, Order of Medical Surgeons and Dentists. National consultant on nutrition training courses: physicians, biologists and healthcare professionals. UNIURB Tutor Doctor, from the University of Urbino.
Medical nutritionist Reference for pediatric and geriatric palliative care in Italy.
AMA Medical Nutritionist Association of Alzheimer’s Patients and AFMA and Family Members of Alzheimer’s Patients. Employee of the Agency for Health, Prevention and Promotion of Health.
Academician of the Italian Academy of Culinary Institutions and Culinary Culture of the Italian Republic.
Medical Director of FELCON, Graduate of the European Federation of Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Naturopathy. AFI Medical Director Fibromyalgia Association, Italy.

12:15 – Top therapy. Bodily Practices, Massage Techniques in Top Methods of Working with the Body. Psychosomatic massage “EQUILIBRIUM”                                                                                                                                                                                        Speakers: Lyudmila Prokhorova (Ukraine) Body-oriented psychotherapist, rehabilitation therapist, specialist in work with psychosomatics, energy practitioner, co-founder and lecturer of the “Center for Development of the Body Тherapist”
and Serhiy Ostapchenko (Ukraine), kinesiologist, psychokinesiotherapist on work with psychosomatics, energy practitioner, head and teacher of the “Center for the Development of the Body Therapist”, psychologist.

13:15 – 14:00 – lunch break

Seminar presentation of the author’s massage techniques

14:00 – 15:00 Anna Barony (Italy). Author’s massage technique “Emotional massage with Bach flowers” – 7 notes and 7 techniques. Anna Barony – Cosmetologist, author of articles, teacher – massage therapist, owner of the farm of beauty “II Tempio della Salute Annabel”, located in Cento di Ferrara (Italy). has created a method of work that spans over 35 years of wellness experience. He owns more than 30 types of massage techniques, of which the most effective techniques are combined with personal authoring methods, which he teaches today in his courses.
The author’s personal method of work is the result of her more than 35 years of experience and study, research and teaching. She has trained over 9300 therapists. Developed 7 copyright massage techniques that are copyrighted. Anna is now a member of the ODM – International Council of Medical Massage Therapists (Switzerland).


Angela Mircu (Romania / Italy) – Author’s Massage “5 Love Massage Revitalization Techniques ®
Over 8 years of active experience in the massage industry. She owns the ReflessoVital Massage Center in Pordenone, Italy. Participated in the European Championship of Massage organized by the EMA in Italy and in the national championship in Romania organized by the AMTC (Association of Massage and Supplemental Therapies), where she won two medals (silver) in the Wellness and Frestyle categories.

15:00 – 16:00 – Antonio Ruggio (Switzerland) – Author’s massage technique “Ruggio Method”
Director of ODM International School of Massage Therapists (Switzerland); President of the International Board of Massage Therapists and Spa Therapists. Author of the first federal examinations for massage therapists in Switzerland. Founder of the First School for Massage Therapists, Medical Massage Therapists in the Canton of Ticino, with recognition of the program by the Swiss Red Cross. He is responsible for consulting services, recognition of academic and theoretical hours, organization of internships and procedures for obtaining equivalent educational qualifications in massage in Switzerland. He holds a state-level adult trainer diploma for accreditation of FA1 and FFA2, obtained from the Swiss Institute of Pedagogy. Qualified and certified Massage Expert. Medical Master and Medical Massage Therapist. Total experience in teaching massage – more than 36 years.


16: 00- 16:40 Valentina Rogovska Massage therapist – rehabilitation specialist, SPA – therapist (massage therapist). Studied at the International Scientific and Technical University. Academician Y. Bugai. Faculty of psychological and physical rehabilitation
Professional achievements: 2009 – silver medalist of the II Open Championship of Ukraine on SRA-massage nomination “Best Ethnic Massage”. 2009 – nomination “Best Ethnic Massage”, “Best Cosmetic Massage” of the 1st Eastern European Classic and SRA Massage Championship. 2009 – Winner of the 1st Ukrainian SPA & WellnessProfessional AWARDS-2009 Contest in the nomination “Best Spa Therapist” (massage therapist). 2009 – Nominee of the III International Championship of Spa Massage. Co-author of 11 publications in professional journals in 4 countries and co-author of 4 manuals on honey massage. Member of the Association of Specialists in Sports Medicine and Physical Training of Ukraine. Member of the International Expert Council of Massage and Wellness Therapists of the Union of SPA Professionals, Resorts and Wellness Facilities of Ukraine

16:40 – 17:20 Ivan Badyin – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Dermatologist, Senior Rehabilitologist, Senior Researcher at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Awarded the “Master of the Golden Hands”, “Elite of Folk Medicine”, the highest award in complementary medicine – “Master’s Star”. Ivan Badyin has a thorough knowledge of the su-jok method, various massage, psycho-energetic, kinesiological, energy information and biotechnology methods, Master Reiki. Author of books “Massage technologies in aesthetic medicine”, “Ethics, aesthetics and philosophy of massage technologies” (co-authored), “Aesthetic massage. Introduction to theory and practice “, Rehabilitation of patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine – from theory to practice”. Author and co-author of more than 45 scientific papers.

17:20 -18: 00 Marat Mukanovauthor’s vibrating wellness massage “Goida-goida”
He has massage techniques: classic, European, Thai, Old Slavic visceral, Turkish soap, various spot massages. Experience in Europe, Crimea, Carpathians (Morshyn, Bukovel), CIS countries. He has won awards every year in professional competitions in Western Ukraine.
The massage technique “Goyda-goyda” received awards at the Western Ukrainian Championship of Massage in 2017 and at the “Skhidnytsia-2019” competitions.

18:00 – 18:40 Tatiana Kaseeva Esthetician cosmetologist, specialist in HLS
Author’s massage method “Band-modeling of oval face”. Division – Recovery.

18:40 – 19:20 – Igor Deykun “Aryan Massage” is an exclusive massage technique, offering an author’s look and style in the modern spa industry market. Ergonomic in performance, quite touching and deep but at the same time very soft in impact. Aesthetically attractive, it is a finished product that is in high demand. This technique has been presented at international championships and World Championships.
Igor Deykun is the founder of “Lubava Massage Studio”. Rehabilitation therapist, practicing massage therapist, champion of Ukraine for classic and SPA massage, multiple winner of massage championships, participant in international championships and world championships in massage. Referee and organizer of massages championships. Speaker and organizer of massage forums.

20:30 Award Ceremony “Golden Beauty Collection BEAUTY & WELLNESS”
GMWC-2020 Gala Evening



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