• uk

International Expert Committee of development SPA, Wellness and massage technologies in Ukraine

Комітет - лого

International Expert Committee of SPA, Wellness and massage technologies development  in Ukraine is established by national trade union “Union of Spa professionals, SPAs and wellness facilities of Ukraine” to promote and implement the following:
– Creation a professional team of specialists and experts in spa, wellness and massage technology for further development of the field of spa and massage in Ukraine;

– Implementation and distribution of professional training programs for massage and spa experts for entry-level and experienced professionals;

– Participation in national and international professional events  for popularizing the actual techniques of professional massage and spa;

– Exchange of practical and theoretical experience and skills between professionals in Ukraine and abroad;

– Promotion and development of industry standards, rules and criteria for competitions, ratings, championships, tutorials, manuals, technical documentation, certification criteria, etc., to improve the quality of teaching in the field of spa, wellness and massage.

The Committee accepts:
Experts with experience in SPA, wellness and massage techniques at least for 12 years having their own methodological knowledge and materials and specialized education.
Professionals and experts of the national level with professional medical or aesthetic education or education in the field of beauty, and practical experience in the field of beauty and massage for at least 15 years with positive reputation, proprietary authoring and techniques, practical experience of staff traineig.

Experts coordinators (Coordinating Board) Union of SPA professionals, SPAs and wellness facilities in Ukraine provide all the organizational details of the Committee, agree communication between the members of the Committee, organize activities and events, provide advertising and legal support and protection. Coordinating Board is fully responsible for the quality of logistics services to all members of the Committee.


Benefits to foreign experts:
– Free information support for their training programs and exclusive techniques among all target groups of professionals and specialists in SPA, wellness and massage industry of Ukraine;


– Organization of exclusive trainings and seminars in Ukraine, with full legal and advertising support;


– Free advertising support of educational programs and techniques of exclusive industry magazine SPA SPAce, the official website of the Union and on Facebook (8 pages, officials)

Benefits to national experts and professionals:
– Free information support for training programs and exclusive techniques among all target groups of professionals and specialists in SPA, wellness and massage industry of Ukraine;
– Assistance in organizing exclusive trainings and seminars in Ukraine with full legal and advertising support, assistance in the exchange of experience with foreign colleagues;

To apply for membership to the Committee:

  1. Enter your name, contacts, professional position, organization and purpose of entry.
    2. Add a file with your resume and submit the form to the coordinators of the Committee.
    3. Wait for formal notification to the specified email address.

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